Caravaggio ’found’ us August 2020, with a horrible case of canker and was approximately 600 pounds underweight, as a result of starvation subsequently because his former owner lost business at their carriage tour company during Covid. They held onto him for three months then sent him and two other carriage horses to auction. We instantly fell in love with Gio and his insatiable desire for hay, but when he rested his head on us just hours before the auction was to begin, we knew he had to become a Furvivor! We outbid three of the killbuyers that day. And, it took Gio about eight months to heal, physically and mentally, but his canker unfortunately affected his coffin bone and caused some arthritis, so he will forever be on treatments for both.
His age has been estimated to be late teens/early 20s, but age is just a number. Gio is our OG Furvivor, a true success story.